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Vancouver's First-Ever Dog Cafe Is Freaking Adorable

It'll be pawsitively amazing!!

If you haven't seen one on your instagram or facebook already, animal cafes are a growing trend all over North America. For the most part, they're a fantastic relationship between both human and animal. The pets, whether they be dogs, cats or others, are able to roam freely without the confines of a cage and provide affection to human partners. The customers are able to de-stress and receive some furry therapy. Not only that, but most of the animals are up for adoption as well!

READ ALSO: 17 Things Only Dog Owners In Vancouver Will Understand

It's been nearly 2 years since Catfe, Vancouver's first cat cafe, opened for business. I'm all for the cat's meow, but I'm still waiting for a dog cafe. And young entrepreneur Nicole Weber is trying to turn that bark, into bite. So enter her grand idea- the Four Paws Dog Cafe

READ ALSO: This Girl Quit Her Job To Travel The World With Her Dog In An Incredible Van

Nicole Weber is a badass entrepreneur who is also the founder of Animals Helping Animals, an animal care business. She's pushing to create Vancouver's first dog cafe to support animal rescues and dogs in need. Similar to Catfe, visitors will be able to enjoy the treats of the cafe while interacting with adoptable (and adorable) dogs.

Customers interested in adoption, or those who wish to provide affection to animals yet don't have the means of raising them, are able to visit and have their doggy dreams come true. 

Her campaign on GoFundMe was created in January 2017, and they're slowly growing towards their goal. Not only will the cafe support animal rescues, but they'll feature dog-friendly ice cream, and a boutique for pets that supports local businesses. 

To learn more about her campaign, or to fund and share her cause, you can check her out here

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